tremulus Quick Framework Generator


Frameworks (which would be “scenarios” or “adventures” in other systems) can be generated comparatively quickly in tremulus. But still, sometimes “quick” isn’t fast enough. 😉

I’ve put together a small Excel sheet which randomly pulls threads, hazards and textures together, formats it for print and puts it out
in a one-page printout.

I hope you’ll find it useful. You can find it under the downloads page here.

Happy gaming!

Next generation of geekdom!

Last Sunday I played an RPG for the first time with my son (5). We played Hero Kids by Hero Forge Games.
He was excited and had a lot of fun. We played with minimized rules (Hero Kids uses only some D6) and he was the only player.He chose the strong kid with the axe as a character and named him Axel the Brave, with me playing Axel’s friend, Magnus the Healer, as a NSC. Axel and Magnus went to search for a missing priest, descended into a damp cave, defeated the spiders there, solved the challenge of a bear ghost and finally saved the priest from some skeleton swordsmen and a dragon.

It took about 35 minutes of play and we had a lot of fun. Next Sunday there is again the time for adventures!

Back to normal.


The ban was lifted, apologies accepted and I’m ready to slowly turn my mind back to ShadowFate. Unfortunately, the playtest session tomorrow had to be canceled due to player availability. As I don’t want to tinker with the rules without another playtest, as the next step I’ll take a look at Bioware and add it to the gear tables.

Have a nice weekend and happy gaming!

I got banned!

To my huge embarrassment, I have been banned on the RPG.NET forums for a post I made about dungeon crawls. For the record: this is the first time I have been banned on a forum since 1994. Posting in a hurry is never a good idea if you are not a native speaker and just need to take more effort to make it clear where you come from. Oh well – I have to wait for the unban to apologize. 🙁

Planning ahead…


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Further edits and additions to ShadowFate are postponed until the next playtest game next week. Feel like I have to get some more feedback in and have the impression that I might have overthought some things. Better to play a bit more and simplify some parts if necessary.

Regarding other systems I’m undecided where to go. I’d love to try Hillfolk. I’d love to take a trip to that creepy island “democracy” Al Amarja again (Got all the Over The Edge stuff in the recent Bundle of Holding). I’ve got half a dozen intriguing indie rpg’s waiting. And there is always Dungeon World or tremulus. Too many games – too little time.

Next game will be another ShadowFate playtest. After that… we’ll see.

Have a nice weekend!